An excellent choice for overall health & well-being

By G R Ramachandran

The association of nutrition with traditional medicine brings long-standing consumer acceptance. Although the concept of nutrition is gaining more popularity recently, its roots can be traced to the ancient Indian system of medicine, ‘Ayurveda’. 

The texts of Ayurveda are filled with references to the implications of food products including fruits in various disease entities. Processed foods impair absorption by coating the intestinal walls. They cause the endocrine system to be on a constant roller coaster ride through adjusting blood sugar and hormones in the blood, all of which lead to adrenal and kidney fatigue.

Antioxidants are a group of substances that protects the body cells from damage caused by free radicals by interacting with them and stabilizing them. The potency of antioxidants is measured by their Oxygen radical absorbance capacity (ORAC) which specifically measures the antioxidant capability against the damage induced by free radicals. 

Post-operative convalescence (POC) is the phase of the gradual recovery of health, strength, and stamina after a surgical process during which the body requires adequate antioxidants. 

, an Ayurvedic health promoter drink from Indusviva Health Sciences Pvt. Ltd., Bangalore, with its natural blend of fruits provides the essential antioxidants required by the human body to fight against free radicals. 

i-Pulse is considered safe and effective because it helps in reducing the symptoms associated with POC like generalized weakness, pain, nausea, vomiting, giddiness, and fatigue while it increases the activeness and promotes early recovery in subjects.

Acai Berry

Acai Berry

The driving force behind i-Pulse is the presence of an important anti-oxidant ingredient, Acai berry.

Acai berry is the world’s No. 1 superfruit indigenous to the Amazon rain forests of South America. 

Acai berry research data is as follows:

1) ORAC score of 102,700 mol TE/100 gms
2) No 1 Anti-oxidant

3) No 1 immune health support
4) Anti-cancer support
5) The main ingredient of Space drink AS-10 developed by NASA
6) Used as a food for centuries with more than 60 scientific studies.

The potency of antioxidants is measured by their ORAC value. ORAC stands for Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity, which precisely measures the antioxidant capability of the product against the damage induced by free radicals. A normal human body requires at least 5000 ORAC units of antioxidants daily. So, an unhealthy person needs more antioxidants.

To get this daily value of antioxidants, one must consume approximately 3.5 kgs of fresh organic garden plucked fruits preferably with different colors.

60 ml of i-Pulse gives you the benefit of 3.5 kgs of freshly plucked organic garden fruits and its ORAC score is 7000.

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- Main text Courtesy: Ayurveda papers on i-Pulse


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Nicely prepared & presented.

    Make a try. Get the benefits

    Drink it!
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    Contact for product or opportunity
    Mobile Phone # 09845309125, e-mail:
    Mobile Phone# 9845189382

  3. Good write up. Antioxidants have good benefits

    1. Watch out for info about few more amazing products.


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