Practo - Yes or No to serve your health front?

By our Doctors' Group Dentistry P racto, the posterboy of digital healthcare started off as a listing platform for doctors and helped patients discover the clinics nearby offering services one was looking for. Over the years Practo has transformed into this giant evil which undermines the delicate doctor patient relationship. In its initial years, Practo approached all doctors across the nation with the proposal that it wanted to be a directory for healthcare services and help patients search the doctor or service they were looking for. They on-boarded doctors free of cost on their website and as a revenue model started selling their EMR ( Electronic medical record) Management software Practo Ray at monthly subscription fees. Gyno Initially, there was resistance to accept digital data management by doctors and very few of them took up the software. Over years, though the EMR software usage has increased for booking appointment, maintaining patient record and billing...